No hay duda de que las redes sociales llegaron para quedarse y, muchos las utilizan para presumir su físico.

Sin embargo, la pose incorrecta puede lograr que la foto que quieres presumir no logre los resultados esperados.

Por ello, los usuarios de redes sociales como Instagram y Facebook, se han vuelto expertos en el complejo arte de la fotogenia.  

Por ejemplo, han aprendido como ocultar los “chichitos” y la panza, al tiempo que resaltan el trasero y la “pechonalidad”.

A veces, "la magia" radica en simplemente, alejarte un poco del lente de la cámara para que el cuerpo luzca más esbelto. 

Por ello, aquí compartimos el recuento que hiciera la revista Cosmopolitan de varios fotomontajes que usuarias de las redes sociales han publicado en sus respectivas cuentas para demostrar el poder de la postura correcta al posar en una foto. Toma nota. 

?? This is not a transformation photo ?? This week I've decided to do the 30 second transformation photo. These pics were taken second apart this morning. On the left my posture is poor, I'm pushing my belly out as far as possible, I adjusted my bottoms to show my gross, unsightly and horrid love handles. These are often concealed by my high waisted pants and bottoms that do fit so much better now. As much as it pains me to showcase these, it also proves that my body isn't perfect and that I still have work to do and fat to lose (I'm working so hard to get rid of my love handles and lower tummy fat. Yes it has dramatically reduced already but it still exists and I'm still insecure about it). On the right I'm standing straight and comfortably. I'm lightly flexing and I've adjusted my bottoms to hide my love handles. I'm thankful for bikini bottoms that now fit well and hide these but I'm also trying to show that they still exist quite a bit and that not everything we see meets the eye here on social media. You can show you best angles and hide your flaws but at the end of the day what we chose to showcase is a reflection of ourselves. My body isn't perfect. I still have imperfections and flaws that I'm slowly learning to be comfortable with. I want to be real and honest and open. Yes I've accomplished a lot, but yes my body still has less than ideal days when it doesn't look its best. Fitness and health is not a fix. It's not a destination. It's a lifestyle. If you force your progress you know who you are cheating?! You. You only cheat you. Yes I like to show my best most of the time but I've also realized by not showing my worst that it only harms myself. Being vulnerable and imperfect is hard but lying to yourself is worse. I know I'm hard on myself, it's a flaw on its own, but I'm slowly learning to be gentle and kind but it starts with being truthful to myself and knowing and understanding my imperfections and realizing that, although they exist, they don't define me. I am not a before picture. I am not an after picture. I am not fat nor am I perfect. I'm flawed. I'm scarred. I'm insecure. But I'm learning and I'm hopeful that one day I'll fully love me ??

A photo posted by Jess: PCC (@plankingforpizza) on

So if you didn't already see.... this is what's making news. "30 second transformation photos". So I did one myself.... but not for the reason you think. I think this can send a strong, positive and powerful message. I'll tell you why. ?? I don't know what girls are trying to prove by doing this, maybe it's the whole "don't flex all the time" thing, but this is what I think. At the end of the day, it's not about what you LOOK LIKE on the outside, it's what you FEEL on the inside. Physical change and being strong and fit is important, yes. However, being healthy, happy and confident is actually the most important thing. You don't have to prove ANYTHING to anyone by the way you look. You don't have to push your stomach out, make your legs look bigger or stand a certain way to look "bad" to try and make your transformation better. Honestly, every single photo and transformation is amazing. But that happiness won't last as long as the happiness of health and confidence. Faking a progress photo (or exaggerating one) is only going to poorly affect your mindset. All the BBG community are amazing because they are strong, healthy women... and women are amazing. They have worked DAMN hard to get where they want to be physically and mentally, so they don't have to prove to anything to anyone. You can be real with your followers, of course, but don't try and make yourself look bad to prove a point. Who cares if you have had a bad eating day, you look bloated, you have your period, you have a 'food baby'... it doesn't matter. If you FEEL good about yourself on the inside and you LOVE and accept yourself and are PROUD of what you have achieved, then that's all you need. Post a photo of your body and be proud. Don't try to overstate your appearance. You should be telling the world how much better you FEEL! Add a big smile in that photo. You don't need to show anyone how you can stand a special way and look amazing, YOU ALWAYS LOOK AMAZING! Please understand this. People are inspired by YOU because you inspire them with your ATTITUDE towards life. It doesn't MATTER what you look like.... because your real beauty ....shines from within. ?

A photo posted by Kayla Itsines (@kayla_itsines) on